
Product display

產(chǎn)品展示 / 定制制作

Cooperation case

合作案例 / 一流服務(wù)

Service & Maintenance

服務(wù)&維修 / 品質(zhì)保障

  • 我方為展出現場(chǎng)制作立體效果圖。

    We Will Design The Stereo Effect And Scenelayout For The Exhibition And So On

  • 為客戶(hù)提供電氣控成等技術(shù)指導和維護。

    Provide The Guiding And Maintenance Of Electrical Control
    configurationof Double Control Box And The Describe Diagrams Of The Cpu To Customers
  • 將大型恐龍拆分,運到展出地,并為客戶(hù)提供現場(chǎng)安裝的服務(wù)。

    The Large Dinosaurs Will Be Splited And Transported To The Display
    we Provide The Site Installation Services To Customers
  • 一年的產(chǎn)品維護期,提供非人為破壞的產(chǎn)品修復服務(wù)。

    One Year Of Product Maintenance Period
    provide Non-human Damage Product Repalr Service

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